Part I : Introduction to card game rummy - RUMMY PURE GAME
Part II : Rummy-pure: rules
Part III : Rummy-pure-plus rules (rummy claim)
Part X Other, links
Rummy-pure games are card games using solid state devices (cubs, stones, tiles etc), stamp size and made from plastic or similar. They are easy to handle, fit on a normal table and the wind does not take them away. Millions have been sold, many hundred of „how to play“ instructions are know. But you still may use the old fashioned paper card devices.
This page offers you essential information of the basic and purified version : rummy-pure and a more competitive: rummy-pure- plus (rummy claim). They are result of intensive evaluations of system elements and a consequent system building.
Here is the general idea :
All card plays follow a basic concept. In rummy, you pick a defined number of stones and then you must try to get rid of them by mending. Who first did it, wins. This implies the ranking of the other competitors : by quantity of stones not amended. All are rewarded, in our case by matchpoints. This game is fit to be played at home and in tournaments of any size
The full content of these games is exposed in a EBook version, published by ASIN:B008OI6ULS).
But to some players this is not sufficient. They want some positive action. This led to Rummy Claim ( rummy-pure-plus.) Rummy-pure- plus introduces the possibility to build up " own property" which results to more matchpoints. By this, the rather simple rummy-pure becomes a higly competitive game which needs planning, good memory, patience, surveillance of competitors and more.
Objective of the game: The player takes a defined number of stones (tiles) from a pool and melds them onto the table in a defined order. Who first melded all stones wins the competition. The rank of the co-competitors follows the quantity of stones not melded.
Played are 104 Stones containing 2 Sets of stones number from 1 to 13 in the colours black, red, blue and yellow, and additional one Joker (any color)) per competitor. Each player takes14 Stones to start Adhering: Glue-property of stones run from 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-1-2-3 ff General pool and Deposit pool as provided in the dummy law. Jokers are separeted and assigned. Each player takes 14 stones from the pool The game proceeds clockwise, the beginner is decided by lot. No initial meld. 2/1 r u l e : On turn, the player takes two stones, one may come from the deposit pool; then melds or not. At the end of his action he puts one stone face up into the deposit-pool.
Permitted combinations:
GRROUP, equal numberd stones, minimun = 3, max. = 4 ( i.E 6♠ ,6♥ ,6♦ ,6♣ ) RUN : stones of equal colour, followed by number, min: three stones, max 26, i E: 11,12,1,2,3,4
The player may add stones to and into existing combinations, reform and enlarge existing combinations on the table provided that during his action one stone from his hand enters new to the table: No stone on the table may return to the hand of a player. Any joker may substitute any stone, and vice versa. In scoring a joker counts „ one stone“. A Joker may return to the hand.
End of game: A player wins the game when all of his stone are on the table (empty hand) and if he so announces (Rommé). The last stone from his hand or from a melded combination may enter to the pool to finish the game,
S c o r i n g : The quantity of remaining stones in the hand of the other competitors establishes the ranking below the winner, the minimum is second to follow the winner. Equal quantities share the ranks. In a three person match: 3 MP to the winner, 2 MP for second, 1 MP for the third. In a four person match: 4 MP to the winner, 3 Mp für second, 2 MP for third, 1 MP for the last.
The Tournament Organiser may establish additional rules:
If Rommé happens in the first round, the winner gets maximum MP, and the other share the rest in equal sums.
The Tournament Director may end a game at any time. In this case the numbers of stones in each hand establishes the ranking.
Players acting under this instruction are free of onus.
Open tournament managers pay one Euro pre person if played under this instruction, to be paid to the rights owner/s
License may be obtained for the use of essential parts of this instruction.
The player takes a defined number of stones (tiles) from a pool and melds them onto the table in a defined order. Players meld and declare groups of four as property (claim). The competition ends when one of the playerss melded all stones. Claims win Matchpoints GMP, finish wins Matchpoiunts CMP.
Played are 104 Stones containing 2 Sets of stones number from 1 to 13 in the colours black, red, blue and yellow, and additional one Joker (any color)) per competitor. Each player takes 14 stones to start.
Adhering: Glue-property of stones runs from 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-1-2-3 ff
All stones are given to the table forming the pool. Their face is turned down. Stones going back to table after action enter the deposit-pool face up.
One Jokers is assigned to each player. Each player takes 14 stones from the pool.
The game proceeds clockwise, the beginner is decided by lot.
2/1 r u l e : On turn, the player takes two stones, either both from the pool
but one may come from the deposit pool, then he melds or not. At the end of his action he puts one stone face up into the deposit-pool (open access).
Initial meld: no limitation, any group or run of three stones serves.
RUN : stones of equal colour, followed by number, min: three stones, max 26, i E: 11,12,1,2,3,4
CLAIM: a group of four stones, placed by any competitor out of his hand or on the table, and melded in the specific form : |- - |. A claim may contain a joker. Other competitors have no access to the stones of a claim. The owner of the claim may dissolve the claim at any time. No stone of the claim may be exchanged by a joker, expecpt by the owner. Any three stone group on the table may be captured by any player based on the missing fourth stone, when on turn.
O n t h e t a b l e : the player may add stones to and into estisting combinations, reform existing combinations on the table, provided that during his action one stone from his hand enters new to the table.
JOKER: No stone on the table may return to the hand of a player, exept in exchange to a joker. Any joker may substitute any stone, and vice versa. In scoring a joker counts „ one stone“. A joker may be part of any claim, but is no property of the claims owner and may be exchanged by the adeqate stone by any competitor ( joker chase ).
E n d : The game ends when a player melds all of his stone are on the table, and he so announces. The last stone from his hand or from a melded combination may enter to the pool to finuish the game,
S c o r i n g :
Game Matchpoints (GMP) : zero stones = 4 GMP. The quantity of remaining stones in the hand of the other competitors establishes the ranking below the terminator, the minimum is second to follow the terminator. Equal quantities divide rank and MP. In a three person match: 3 MP to the terminator, 2 MP for second, 1 MP for the third. Claim Matchpoints (CMP) : Each claim is equvalent to one GMP under the condition, that the claims exists at the end of the game.
W i n n e r :The competiton is won by the aggregate of GMP and CMP, expressed in TMP (total matchpoins)-.
The Tournament Organiser may establish additioal rules as shown in stone-rummy law. This game is subject to the general laws of rummy game ( in preparation).
PERMIT and LICENSE Players acting under this instruction are free of onus. Open tournament managers pay one Euro per person if played under this instruction
to be paid to the rigths owner/s
Licnese my be obtained for the use of essential parts of this instruction.